New Homepage

Almost two yeast have passed since my last post. During this time many big things happened in my live: I left my city (Belo Horizonte) and moved to Campinas to work at Tectoy Digital, I finished my M.Sc. in Computer Science, and finally, I got married! In the mean time, I also went to Siggraph 2009 as a Student Volunteer, and a new version of our XNA book was published. So many things have happened that I will not be able to talk about all of them now.

I was trying to update this website for a long time but after joining Tectoy Digital I could not find any free time to do that. Fortunately, I could find some time to work on this website again in the past weeks and after a lot of word it is finally ready! I tried to port all the content from my previous website to this new one but I decided to drop some old posts and projects leaving more space for the new stuff that is coming.

This new site was made using Wordpress and it has some features that I believe everyone will enjoy, such as commenting the posts or rating it. In the following weeks I will try to post some materials (projects and talks) that I worked in the past two years, as well as some interesting news. I hope you enjoy this new website!

Comments (1)

  1. Marcos Paulo says:

    Boa noite, eu sou alno do 4 periodo de jogos digitais da PUC Minas, vi a sua palestra na PUC, e gostei muito, eu sempre quis trabalhar na Tec Toy e aind apretendo trabalhar lá e vc me deu uma esperança a mais!
    Hehe..vou acompanhar seu site e legal ter alguem de tão perto no “GRANDE” mercado de jogos!


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